- Russell Brinkley to Scotland
- Stephen Campbell to Brazil
- Chad Cassady to Spain
- Caleb Caviness to the Congo
- Brian Collins to Zambia, Africa
- Rick Demastus to Scotland
- Kenneth Ellzey to Rogers, Arkansas
- Peneueta Faafouina to Samoa
- Nathan Foltz to Tanzania, Africa
- Ryan Goodall to Zacatecus, Mexico
- John Harris to Belize, Central America
- Bouna Has to Cambodia
- Jonathan Hernandez to Amazon Basin
- Richard Hurst to Ecuador
- Jerry Judd to New Zealand
- Chris Jarve to Laos & Thailand
- Craig Lang in Apache Creek
- Steven Larson to China
- James Mansfield to Texas
- John McDaniel to the Navajo
- Gene MicKinley to Ireland
- Luis Montano to Sonora, Mexico
- Rodolfo Olesio to Philippines
- Jesse Pilalas to the US Military in Japan
- David Price to France
- Scott Rackley to Madagascar
- Micah Reasoner to Russia
- Randy Shull to Cambodia
- David Snyder General Director of BIMI
- Rafael Soto to Hawaii Kai
- Ryan Strother to the United Kingdom
- Dwight Talbot to Canada
- Mitch Tillman to Mongolia
- Michael Veldhuis to Yuma, Arizona
- Brian Weed to Nicaragua